Monday, August 31, 2009

Beach Babies

The boys loved the sand, but didn't care for the ocean waves...too rough! We spent the week searching for shells, watching the surfers, taking a boat ride to Cape Lookout, visiting the aquarium and playing in the sand!

It was the Summer of Zero Nine..

OK, soooo...been awhile since my last update, but so much has happened in such a short amount of time. Haven't had internet access for a few weeks and am currently using my mom's computer. Therefore, no access to my complete stash of photos! Anyway, with Sean gone, the boys and I are visiting my beloved hometown state of North Carolina!! We're having a blast; hot, summer days, playdates with old friends, spending time with the family and hanging out at the beach!
Zane has turned into a full-on two-year-old this past month, complete with whining, "mild" tantrums, lots of nonstop movement, refusing the potty, carrying great conversations, dancing, discovering and just all out fun! If this is "Terrible Twos," I'll take it! His independence is great and I love how loving and protective he is towards his baby brother! I've been warned, however that the "terrible" part starts more around 2 1/2...we'll see in a couple of months from now!
Cruz is a total different baby from a month ago. He's 8 months old today and has the biggest, cutest smile ever! Along with mastering more solid foods, rolling all over the place, sitting up and sleeping through the night, his biggest accomplishment has been making the transition to the bottle! Yep...after six weeks of trials and tribulation, I have weaned my little demanding child. I was torn with the decision, but with Sean gone and the craziness of trying to find a calm, bonding moment in the house with a toddler screaming in the background it was just NOT HAPPENING! I must admit, it was the best decision I've made in awhile!
Living with Mom this past month has been great for all. Zane is her shadow and she's really provided a lot of time for me to spend one-on-one time with the boys or time to myself. It's nice that we're vacationing and trying to keep busy. NC is awesome and this time lets me know just how much I miss the south! We miss Sean terribly and it's hard to watch your two-year-old ask and cry for him, but skype has made his absence more manageable.