Friday, November 13, 2009

Missing the Laptop's been way too long since the last post ( a month I think). Anyway, I find it very difficult to get to my computer these days with both boys on the move now. Unfortunately, Sean has the laptop with him and I sooo miss the portability! Our desktop is downstairs in the dungeon of Hazardville! Every corner screams Baby Hazard! Keep small children and those that are accident prone out! With an entirely too large flat screen, Sean's surround sound mini-theater and a work/desk area complete with the huge paper shredder just waiting to eat fingers, there's no way the boys can be in that room. I need to reorganize, remove or replace...
Halloween was a blast, both of my little rockers were looking cool and had a great night. We've made it to the halfway point for Sean's return!! Woo-hoo!! Trying to be positive! Halfway is bitter sweet...the obvious is great, but the down side is we have just as long to wait as we've already experienced. Seems too long for a countdown just yet. Cruz is "cruzing" right along, pulling up to his knees, but refuses to stand. That's fine by me..I hope he wait until Daddy comes home to witness. He's drinking out of sippy cups and already shadowing his brother in everything Zane does. Zane is quite the independent little guy and has the best conversations. He still waves and says, "Hey Daddy" to every plane he sees or hears and he still refuses to form a bond with the potty! He WILL NOT use it and only cries when I have him try to. I've tried several methods so far, complete with stickers, M&M treats, big boy undies, songs, dances, cheers and even demonstrating the process! :0 He'll sit in a wet, nasty diaper for hours and isn't phased one bit! We'll keep on keeping on!
Here's a few pictures from this past month:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Monster Mash

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Moment in Time

With our time in NC coming to an end, I spent most of the day reflecting on the past two months and what a fantastic vacation the boys and I have had. We've driven across the mid-west to the east coast, making stops in corn country Iowa, Indianapolis, Indiana and the beautiful mountains of West Virginia. We've taken trips to the beach, the zoo, Lazy 5 Ranch, various parks and the NC Aquarium. Weekend trips have been made to Raleigh and Charlotte, doing lots of shopping and watching some football! Great time has been spent with old friends and attending family gatherings. With one week to go, we still have a Day Out with Thomas at the train station, a Catawba football game and a night or two at the Rowan County Fair.
During this time, Cruz has cut four teeth, mastered sitting up, drinking from a bottle and then a sippy cup and was successfully weaned after 5 weeks! Zane's vocabulary has grown so much, he's begun potty training and is falling less and now running at full speed. As for me, I finally got some much-needed rest and "me" time, started eating healthier and spent lots of one-on-one time with my babies and my mom. Boy, we have been busy!!
I know I won't fully appreciate this time until it's all over and too late, but I'm so thankful for these memories and moments during such a stressful moment in our lives. I'm not happy for the root cause of this vacation (deployment), but I'm extremely happy that I've been able to come back to home. I think somewhere deep down, I didn't realize just how badly I missed being here. Above all else, I failed to realize how much I've missed my family. I have had the pleasure of watching my mom take on the grandmother role and I am reminded of just how much I loved spending time with my grandma when I was young. My boys have truely fallen in love with their "maw-maw" and it's comforting to know that they will have someone to turn to when they need that extra loving care or when they need a little spoiling! My mom has helped refocus my attention on the importance of enjoying the moment at hand, not to sweat the small stuff and that acting silly is the best medicine! I've sat in the familiar sights, sounds and smells of my own grandma's house and watched her play the piano with my two-year-old, just as she has done with me many years ago. I can't fully explain the feeling, but I thank God for showing me what an important time this is in my life.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

For Any Parent Who's Unsure of Another Child...

Can I just say that the best part of being a mom at this moment in my life is watching the relationship between the boys grow and form. When I first discovered that I was giving birth to a second son, I mistakenly thought, "Really, how different can two boys be?" Boy, was I naive! Our Zane is such a sweet, tender-hearted, loving, easy-going, some-what shy kinda guy. He's rather independent, doesn't complain often (that's a big one since he's 2!) and is constantly talking! As Cruz gets older, I'm starting to see his little personality emerge more and more. He's proven so far to be completely different from his brother, 18 months his senior. He's been quite the mover since birth, very curious, wears his emotions visibly on his face. Always smiling, until he wants something. He doesn't hold back when he needs a diaper change, food or sleep. He also thrives on attention and requires lots of "Mommy Love" when he doesn't feel well. In thinking of the Nature vs. Nuture debate, it's amzing to me just how much nature manifests at such a young age.

I have to admit, I didn't think I was going to be able to love a second child as much as Zane, especially since it was going to be another boy. I thought the experiences would be identical to the first, but the wonderful excitement of "the firsts" wouldn't be there. Again, thankfully, I was seriously wrong! Because of their individualism and little personalities, I get to experience "firsts" with both boys and my love for my sweet baby boys grows stronger each day that I get to know them.

With that being said...I get to watch and experience the best part of being a parent: The strong bond between siblings, the brotherhood already forming between my young sons. Zane has already taken on the big brother role, watching over Cruz and making sure he's safe. A couple of months ago, he would wake me in the mornings with, "Hey Mommy! You wanna get up?" Lately, everyday begins with, "Where's my Cruzey? He wanna have breakfast!" Zane refers to Cruz as "HIS Cruzey" and often tells complete strangers about this while in line at the grocery store! Cruz is mesmerized by his older brother, watching his every move. If Zane's in the room, Mommy doesn't exist! He looks to him for comfort and entertainment and loves to laugh at his playful actions. Zane shares toys and books with Cruz and helps me put him to bed each night. His routine: sings our brush your teeth tune while I brush Cruz's teeth, comes with me to put Cruz into bed, kisses him goodnight, turns on the Sleep Sheep and pulls the musical doggy's string before saying "Love You" and walking out the door. When I put Zane in and out of the car before Cruz or get Zane in/out of the stroller first, he immediately reminds me to get 'his Cruzey" and motions for him. He willingly volunteers to help with Cruz and Cruz loves every minute.

Ever since Zane was born, I've always told him, "You're my bestest!" I still tell him this as part of the bedtime routine right after I kiss him good night. I've joked with Sean about how I won't be able to say this much longer, since I have Cruz now and I can't pick "a bestest!" One of the sweetest moments thus far as a parent happened this morning. Cruz was whimpering around 7 am due to more teething issues, so I took advantage of the snuggle time and layed him in bed with me. We were playing and laughing, when Zane came in and climbed in bed with us. I was showing them mini videos we've taken on my cell phone when Cruz started getting antsy and began to cry. Zane grabbed Cruz's hand and leaned his head towards his ear and whispered, "You're my bestest."

Zane and Cruz will never know anyone in this world longer than each other..they'll know their parents for half their life and their children for the other half. They'll always have each other, knowing the best and worst of their history, their dreams, hopes and this, I find the utmost comfort.

Friday, September 4, 2009

"Mommy, Emus Are Hungry!"

Mom and I took the boys to the Lazy 5 Ranch here in NC. Reminded me of Bear Country in Rapid City, except totally different animals AND you are allowed to feed these animals through your car windows. You can already imagine the excitement (chaos) of this adventure. The various animals, deer, goats, pigs, buffalo, llamas, ostriches, giraffes, zebras, camels just to name a few, were great and very curious and anxious to squeeze their heads into the feeding buckets. All was well, until we decided to feed the EMUS!!! Those crazy Emus were so aggressive and wouldn't take "No" for an answer. I can't fully describe the harsh, determined force of their pecking, but it was pretty funny and nerve-racking all at the same time. My mom was terrified and I had fun controlling the automatic windows and letting the Emus sneak up on her side of the car! Ha-Ha! She did not think that was very humorous. Needless to say, her loud, terrifying screams scared Zane and Cruz so badly they were crying for the next 10 minutes! Wish I would've had the video camera on this trip!

The sign right before you go in..Enter at your Own Risk!

Mom ready to feed some animals!
Emu ATTACK!! :)

Eye-balling the food bucket!

Zane has a nice, safe view!

The poor animals hardly had room to get their snack!

Some of my favorite shots..yes the tortoises were mating! Next time you ask your child, "What does the cow say?" Be sure to also ask what does a turtle sound sounds like a goose!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Beach Babies

The boys loved the sand, but didn't care for the ocean waves...too rough! We spent the week searching for shells, watching the surfers, taking a boat ride to Cape Lookout, visiting the aquarium and playing in the sand!

It was the Summer of Zero Nine..

OK, soooo...been awhile since my last update, but so much has happened in such a short amount of time. Haven't had internet access for a few weeks and am currently using my mom's computer. Therefore, no access to my complete stash of photos! Anyway, with Sean gone, the boys and I are visiting my beloved hometown state of North Carolina!! We're having a blast; hot, summer days, playdates with old friends, spending time with the family and hanging out at the beach!
Zane has turned into a full-on two-year-old this past month, complete with whining, "mild" tantrums, lots of nonstop movement, refusing the potty, carrying great conversations, dancing, discovering and just all out fun! If this is "Terrible Twos," I'll take it! His independence is great and I love how loving and protective he is towards his baby brother! I've been warned, however that the "terrible" part starts more around 2 1/2...we'll see in a couple of months from now!
Cruz is a total different baby from a month ago. He's 8 months old today and has the biggest, cutest smile ever! Along with mastering more solid foods, rolling all over the place, sitting up and sleeping through the night, his biggest accomplishment has been making the transition to the bottle! Yep...after six weeks of trials and tribulation, I have weaned my little demanding child. I was torn with the decision, but with Sean gone and the craziness of trying to find a calm, bonding moment in the house with a toddler screaming in the background it was just NOT HAPPENING! I must admit, it was the best decision I've made in awhile!
Living with Mom this past month has been great for all. Zane is her shadow and she's really provided a lot of time for me to spend one-on-one time with the boys or time to myself. It's nice that we're vacationing and trying to keep busy. NC is awesome and this time lets me know just how much I miss the south! We miss Sean terribly and it's hard to watch your two-year-old ask and cry for him, but skype has made his absence more manageable.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pimp My Ride in Red, White & Blue

Independence Day was a blast! We had a day full of that typical great American fun filled with neighborhood BBQs, games, kids' parade, fireworks and hanging out with friends. It was an especially nice time with all the military families and remembering why this day is a real celebration! In true "Pimp My Ride" fashion, we decorated the boys' wagon and stroller with streamers, balloons, flags, stars & stripes! They were a hit in the parade! Zane finally decided he wanted to participate in the Bounce House! He actually loved it and we had a hard time getting him to come out! He also loved watching the multitude of bikes, trikes, scooters & the various other rides with wheels. We've tried desperately to get Zane to pedal his tricycle for quite some time now and I was reminded that Zane learns best by watching other children. Cruz's first 4th of July left him in awe of the pretty colors in the sky and the new faces and sounds he got to experience. He's such a sponge these days, soaking in his environment. He was all smiles most of the time... minus napping and feedings!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day Weekend

Father's Day was great...spent time outdoors with nice weather for a change! Took the boys to Storybook Island (a great park here in Rapid) and Zane enjoyed helping Daddy "mow grass!" Sean really liked the photobook I made, even though it hasn't arrived yet. I was able to show him the draft online at least. He just wanted to spend time with the boys and make some good memories. Zane is Sean's shadow these days and really observes and imitates his every move. Cruz is more alert than ever before and spends all his waking moments watching Zane. As the mom, It's really enduring to sit back and watch all my boys interact and I cherish these moments. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Father's Day Pressure

OK...anyone out there feeling the need to make Father's Day a miraculous, special, over-the-top, one-in-a-million day? With a new baby in the house and Sean deploying in a month, I just feel that I should be doing something extra special this year! I've exhausted my brain and have been trying to put together a photo book of him and the boys using My Publisher. That's a great website for those that don't have the time or energy to scrapbook anymore. The book's going to be nice, but it won't make it here in time for the big day! It's been hard to find spare time to work online and keep it a secret. So, now I need to do something else as well. I'm usually so good at these kind of to add that sentimental touch, but I'm just lost for ideas. Father's Day is Sunday...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Zane is Two

Well, it's first born little baby is NOT a baby anymore. He is quite the toddler, but I wouldn't go as far to say he's the "terrible" two (yet!). Sean finally came home from training in Vegas just in time for the festivities. The birthday theme was a no-brainer due to Zane's obsession of bananas; plus we call him our little monkey! I am not what I would call the domestic type, but becoming a mom, you feel as though you have to compete with all those truly domesticated moms out there that are always baking something neat or planning the best "get-togethers." Sooooo, I decided that I would make the "Monkey" cake for the party. Me..the "I'd rather do ten loads of laundry than cook" girl is going to bake the cake. My Type A personality doesn't allow me to do things with mediocracy, so a few trips to Michael's was needed to educate myself. I am always in awe of those cakes I see other moms manage to whip out; how hard can it be, right? After purchasing the entire aisle of the baking section in Michael's, I was ready for the "trial-run" cake. Yes, I had to make it twice in case it was a total failure and I had to resort to plan B. Plan B was ordering a cake from the old reliable, Wal-Mart! I must say, after 6 hours of mixing, baking, cooling, coloring icing and learning to use the icing decorating tips, the Monkey Cake was complete! My kitchen was a disaster area, but I thought the cake looked pretty good and tasted yummy! I didn't find out until too late that you can freeze your cakes until party time..the children at Playgroup got to sample the "trial-run" cake. It seems like a lot of work for such a small thing, but looking back, I'm glad I made it twice because the second time was much quicker and I had more confidence. I have to admit, I actually enjoyed myself once it was all said and done. Zane had a blast at the party despite the cold, rainy weather. Sean and I were stressed to the max trying to make things run smoothly, but a friend of ours reminded me later: "Don't you know that birthday parties are always stressful for the parents? What matters is that your child had fun." She was so right! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mommy vs. The Beast

I have a love/hate relationship with my ever-so-lovely Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller; otherwise known as "The Beast!" I don't have to use it too often unless I need to corral both boys in a central location to prevent any chance of escaping. For the past 3 weeks, this has been more necessary since Sean's away. Grocery shopping  with The Beast is horrific! Well, grocery shopping with children in any shape or form is NOT FUN! Since it's impossible to fit both boys in the cart along with groceries, I just use the stroller's rather large basket to pile in as much as possible. Today, it was pouring down rain and pretty chilly out, so I left Cruz in the car seat carrier attached to the stroller and put Zane in the front seat. We spent all morning at play group, so they were pretty tired, but I had to get a few items. Seems like as soon as we got through the first aisle, Zane was out cold! I tried to wake him several times, but that was no use. This would've been great for most sleeping while Mom shops, but the front seat of The Beast sits completely upright when the car seat carrier is behind it. Poor Zane!! Head flopping all over the place, unable to even lean to the side. I tried to stuff a blanket beside him, but that only made his head lean forward even more. As I searched for items on the shelves, I would just hold his head in my hands all the while getting remarks from those passing by. I so wish I would've had my phone with me to snap a picture. All I can say is thank goodness for the harness straps! Needless to say, I paid for bananas, milk and a pack of diapers while holding Zane in my arms, trying to control The Beast along side. Luckily, Cruz did manage to be a good baby for this trip. Arms exhausted, soaking wet and frustrated that I didn't get the groceries needed, I piled Zane, Cruz and The Beast back into the 4Runner. As I sat down, seat belt on, started the car, I looked back in the rearview mirror only to discover Zane wide awake asking for a snack. Deep breathe and a smile, "You can have a banana when we get home, honey!"